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G-code generator for creating CNC programs for milling a rectangle.

Program can create G-code tool path for milling (cutting) of the rectangle.


G-code generator for milling a rectangle


The center of coordinates is in a point: 1 2  3  4  5 6 7 8 9
Tool movement:   tool on rectangle  tool outside rectangle    tool inside rectangle 
Cutting direction:  clockwise  counter clockwise
Side a:      Side b:
Tool diameter:  
Total depth of cutting:   Depth of cutting per pass:
Feed Rate (X,Y G00):   Feed Rate (X,Y G01):
Feed Rate (Z G00):   Feed Rate (Z G01):
Distance Xc:   Distance Yc:
Safe Z above surface:  


You can copy G-code to the clipboard and save as file (*.txt , *.nc , *.cnc , *.tap , *.iso,  etc).


Off-line version of this program for generating G-code you can find here .


Example (sample) of the G-code for milling a rectangle using CNC Milling Machines.

This simple example illustrates the how to mill a simple rectangle.

G00 Z0.5 (raise the tool to the clearance height)
G00 X0 Y0 (the movement of the tool to the start point of the milling (point 5))
G01 Z-1 F50 (lower the tool to the desired cutting depth)
G01 X0 Y20 F50 (milling side a)
G01 X30 Y20 (milling side b)
G01 X30 Y0 (milling side a)
G01 X0 Y0 (milling side b, return to the start point for milling) G00 Z0.5 F70 (raise the tool to the clearance height)
M30 (end of the control program)


Generate a G-Code toolpath for a various  details


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