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G-code generator for creating CNC programs for drilling random points.

This service is designed to create the G-code for the drilling holes with the specified X and Y coordinates of the center of the hole.


Total depth of drilling: (Positive value)
Drill pecking (multiple up and down to clean the drill flutes)
Depth of drilling per pass: (Positive value)
Feed Rate (X,Y G00):   Feed Rate (X,Y G01):
Feed Rate (Z G00):   Feed Rate (Z G01):
Safe Z above surface:
Hole № 1. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:
Hole № 2. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:
Hole № 3. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:
Hole № 4. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:
Hole № 5. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:
Hole № 6. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:
Hole № 7. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:
Hole № 8. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:
Hole № 9. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:
Hole № 10. X Coordinate: Y Coordinate:


You can copy G-code for CNC milling machines to the clipboard and save as file (*.txt , *.nc , *.cnc , *.tap , *.iso,  etc).

Off-line version of this program for generating G-code you can find here .

Generate a G-Code toolpath for a various  details



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