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This section presents a number of technical calculators for calculating the geometric parameters of some gears.

You can calculate diametral pitch, pitch diameter, involute, inverse of involute, circular pitch, addendum of a gear, number of teeth in a gear, tooth thickness of a gear, etc.

Gear calculators Tooth thickness of a gear. More.
Gear calculators Number of teeth in a gear. More.
Gear calculators Addendum of a gear. More.
Gear calculators Calculating Diametral Pitch with the well-known number of teeth and pitch diameter. More.
Gear calculators Calculating pitch diameter with the well-known number of teeth and diametral pitch. More.
Gear calculators Involute function calculator. More.
Gear calculators Calculating Circular Pitch with the well-known Diametral Pitch. More.
Gear calculators Inverse of involute function calculator. More.
Gear calculators Calculating Diametral Pitch with the well-known Circular Pitch. More.


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